11 research outputs found

    Fuzzy second order sliding mode control of a unified power flow controller

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    Purpose. This paper presents an advanced control scheme based on fuzzy logic and second order sliding mode of a unified power flow controller. This controller offers advantages in terms of static and dynamic operation of the power system such as the control law is synthesized using three types of controllers: proportional integral, and sliding mode controller and Fuzzy logic second order sliding mode controller. Their respective performances are compared in terms of reference tracking, sensitivity to perturbations and robustness. We have to study the problem of controlling power in electric system by UPFC. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method especiallyin chattering-free behavior, response to sudden load variations and robustness. All the simulations for the above work have been carried out using MATLAB / Simulink. Various simulations have given very satisfactory results and we have successfully improved the real and reactive power flows on a transmission lineas well as to regulate voltage at the bus where it is connected, the studies and illustrate the effectiveness and capability of UPFC in improving power.В настоящей статье представлена усовершенствованная схема управления, основанная на нечеткой логике и режиме скольжения второго порядка унифицированного контроллера потока мощности. Данный контроллер обладает преимуществами с точки зрения статической и динамической работы энергосистемы, например, закон управления синтезируется с использованием трех типов контроллеров: пропорционально-интегрального, контроллера скользящего режима и контроллера скользящего режима нечеткой логики второго порядка. Их соответствующие характеристики сравниваются с точки зрения отслеживания эталонов, чувствительности к возмущениям и надежности. Необходимо изучить проблему управления мощностью в энергосистеме с помощью унифицированного контроллера потока мощности (UPFC). Результаты моделирования показывают эффективность предложенного метода, особенно в отношении отсутствия вибрации, реакции на внезапные изменения нагрузки и устойчивости. Все расчеты для вышеуказанной работы были выполнены с использованием MATLAB/Simulink. Различные расчетные исследования дали весьма удовлетворительные результаты, и мы успешно улучшили потоки реальной и реактивной мощности на линии электропередачи, а также регулирование напряжения на шине, к которой она подключена, что позволяет изучить и проиллюстрировать эффективность и возможности UPFC для увеличения мощности

    A new robust control using adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control for a DFIG supplied by a 19-level inverter with less number of switches

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    This article presents the powers control of a variable speed wind turbine based on a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) because of their advantages in terms of economy and control. The considered system consists of a DFIG whose stator is connected directly to the electrical network and its rotor is supplied by a 19-level inverter with less number of switches for minimize the harmonics absorbed by the DFIG, reducing switching frequency, high power electronic applications because of their ability to generate a very good quality of waveforms, and their low voltage stress across the power devices. In order to control independently active and reactive powers provided by the stator side of the DFIG to the grid and ensure high performance and a better execution, three types of robust controllers have been studied and compared in terms of power reference tracking, response to sudden speed variations, sensitivity to perturbations and robustness against machine parameters variations.В статье описывается управление мощностью ветряной турбины переменной скорости на основе асинхронного генератора двойного питания ввиду их преимуществ с точки зрения экономичности и управления. Рассматриваемая система состоит из асинхронного генератора двойного питания, статор которого подключен непосредственно к электрической сети, а его ротор питается от 19-уровневого инвертора с меньшим количеством коммутаторов для минимизации гармоник, поглощаемых генератором, уменьшая частоту переключения, и устройств силовой электроники вследствие их способности генерировать высокое качество сигналов и низкого уровня напряжения на них. Чтобы независимо управлять активной и реактивной мощностью, подаваемой стороной статора указанного генератора в сеть, и обеспечивать высокую производительность и лучшее конструктивное исполнение, изучены и сопоставлены три типа робастных контроллеров с точки зрения отслеживания мощности, реакции на внезапное изменение скорости, чувствительности к возмущениям и устойчивости к изменениям параметров машины

    Speed Regulator and Hysteresis Based on Artificial Intelligence Techniques of Three-Level DTC for Induction Motor

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    Direct torque control (DTC) of induction motor (IM) is important in many applications. In this paper presents a three-level direct torque control is applied for IM using fuzzy-PI controller and hysteresis regulators based on artificial intelligence techniques. The DTC system is known to offer fast decoupled control between torque and flux via a simple control structure. Nevertheless, DTC system has two major drawbacks, with are the variable inverter switching frequency and high torque output ripple. The validity of the proposed control scheme is verified by simulation tests. The stator flux, torque, and current are determined and compared to the above technique

    A comparative analysis of multicarrier SPWM strategies for five-level flying capacitor inverter

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    International audienceSelective harmonic elimination (SHE) has been a widely researched alternative to traditional PWM techniques. This paper presents the selective harmonic elimination of a uniform step asymmetrical multilevel inverter (USAMI) using genetic algorithm (GA) which eliminates specified higher order harmonics while maintaining the required fundamental voltage. This technique can be applied to USAMI with any number of levels. As an example, in this paper a 9-level USAMI is considered and the optimum switching angles are calculated to eliminate the 5th, 7th and 11th harmonics

    Genetic Algorithm Application in Asymmetrical 9-Level Inverter

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    Selective harmonic elimination (SHE) has been a widely researched alternative to traditional PWM techniques. This paper presents the selective harmonic elimination of a uniform step asymmetrical multilevel inverter (USAMI) using genetic algorithm (GA) which eliminates specified higher order harmonics while maintaining the required fundamental voltage. This technique can be applied to USAMI with any number of levels. As an example, in this paper a 9-level USAMI is considered and the optimum switching angles are calculated to eliminate the 5th, 7th and 11th harmonics

    Commande par MLI pré-calculée d’un onduleur asymétrique. Application à la commande vectorielle d’une MAS de forte puissance

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    International audienceLes onduleurs multiniveaux asymétriques triphasés étudiés sont constitués par la mise en série d’onduleurs partiels par phase (structure cascade). La commande de ces derniers par la stratégie MLI pré-calculée (MLIPC) permet d’annuler les harmoniques les plus gênantes et de réguler la composante fondamentale de la tension de sortie de l’onduleur avec l’avantage majeur d’une faible fréquence de commutation des composants électroniques. Un cas particulier est étudié : onduleur asymétrique à sept niveaux à pas uniforme. Cet onduleur permet d'alimenter une machine asynchrone triphasée de forte puissance (MAS) associée à la commande vectorielle. Les performances de la stratégie MLI pré-calculée sont analysées surla base d’une comparaison avec la stratégie MLI triangulosinusoïdale (MLITS)

    Direct Power Control Based on Modified Sliding Mode Controller for a Variable-Speed Multi-Rotor Wind Turbine System Using PWM Strategy

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    A robust and improved control scheme of a variable speed multi-rotor wind turbine (MRWT) system with a doubly fed asynchronous generator (DFAG) is displayed in this work. In order to improve the performances and effectiveness of the traditional direct power control (DPC) strategy of the DFAG, a new kind of sliding mode controller (SMC) called modified SMC (MSMC) is proposed. The most important advantage of the DPC-MSMC strategy is to reduce the power ripples and improve the quality of the currents provided to the grid. In addition, to control the rotor inverter, a pulse width modulation (PWM) technique is used. The proposed DPC-MSMC strategy was modeled and simulated using MATLAB/Simulink software. The simulation results showed that the ripples in stator currents, active and reactive powers and torque were considerably reduced for the proposed DPC-MSMC strategy compared to the traditional DPC. Additionally, the proposed DPC-MSMC method works excellently to reduce the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the stator current in the case of variable wind speed. On the other hand, a robustness test against parametric variations showed and confirmed the robustness of the proposed technique compared to the classical method